by Dean Crawford
Lost is back, Baby!! As I’ve previously posted (http://thekinkyafro.tumblr.com/#365037822 ), I was very excited for Lost’s return. Now it’s back, and we have 18 episodes to go on what has been one of the biggest TV shows of the last 10 years. I’m not saying it is the best, but it has definitely been one of the biggest. You either love it or hate. And no matter what you say, it has had a such an influence on most TV watchers.
Right, i’m going to quickly recap the first two episodes, give a few thoughts, share a few theories that are going around and hopefully we can add our own thoughts and have a bit of online discussion about it and throughout the season each week.
I liked the fact that right away we were shown the affect of the bomb going off. We were right back where we started and shown an alternate reality. One in which Oceanic flight 815 didn’t crash. We have had flash-backs, flash-forwards, now have the “flash-sideways”. I personally like this idea. I have always wondered what the losties lives would have been like if they crash hadn’t of happened, now we are set to find out. Right at the start of the episode we are introduced to all our favourite characters once again. (As a side note, it appears as if the Lost producers theory could be steeped in reality and I think partially based on string theory. Have a butchers at this - http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/horizon/2001/paralleluni.shtml )
Jack’s back - but this time with longer hair than he had 3 years ago. Has Jack changed so much in this alternate reality, that he no longer shaves his head? Or is it that he has to keep it long for continuity in the on-island story line?
Desmond - It was nice seeing him so soon, but sadly i feel that will be the last we see of him. In this time line he is married. To Penny? Quite possibly. If you feel showing us the island submerged in water is confirmation that the bomb went off in this time-line, then there would have been no Widmore to screw with desmonds life. No Widmore, no boat race. It was interesting to see how Desmond’s appearance sparked a sense of deja vu in Jack. It’s like he remembers something from his past, or his alternate reality. Will this happen for all the characters? As a side note, the book he was reading was “Haroun and the Sea of Stories” by Salman Rushdie which, accordiang to Wikipedia, is about a city so old that it’s name has been forgotten. Sound familiar? There’s also “an electromagnetic device intended to destroy the ocean” which again fits it with what has just happened in the finale of Season 5.
Rose – Shorter hair but it’s the same wise old Rose. Did anyone else get the feeling that she has an idea about what’s going on? She seemed a little bit defensive when Jack asked if she had seen Desmond. Maybe she knows how special Desmond has been in the past. Or maybe Desmond was never really there but she didn’t want to engage in his craziness. She also looked very happy. Is her cancer cured, or did it never happen?
Locke is the same old Locke unfortunately – Lying about what a great hunter-gatherer he is when we know that the people on the walkabout wouldn’t let him on the plane. Or did they? Ooooooohhhhh???
Hurley - In this alternate reality, Hurley is now the luckiest man alive and loves the money he has won. I’m guessing it’s because the island in this timeline has been destroyed so he never got a chance to use the numbers from the island to play on the lottery.
Kate – Still running. It seems as if she is still the same and is on the exact same path as before. Kate bores me. Zzzz. Next!
Sawyer – Sawyer seems less angry. Did he kill the real Sawyer in Australia. I’m guessing he wouldn’t have met Jacob in this time-line, therefore didn’t get the pen and the motivation to keep writing his letter. He seems a bit too nice if you ask me and I think he was eyeing up Hurley for a con.
Jin and Sun - Good news for Sun! The bomb didn’t go off so now she can get back with the old misogynistic Jin back who berates her in public for showing the slightest amount of flesh. Hooray! Were they still on the same timeline? Was Sun still going to leave Jin. No English! No English? Does this mean she never cheated on Jin?
The Cameos – It was good seeing Charlie back again, still in seemingly pissed off rock star mode as he tells Jack “I was supposed to die”. Yeah, choking on a bag of heroin without even getting the full benefits of shooting some up…great way to go! Boone was back, but without his sister which was a shame. But then again, I doubt she would have been able to wear her bikini on the plane so who cares! Charlie was on the same journey, but not Boone. Hmm, interesting. Claire came back in the end but we didn’t see if she was pregnant or not. Artz was back for a cameo as was “Froghurt”.
But you know who was missing? Michael and Walt. Not to mention Ecko, Anna-Lucia, the big gaping plot hole that is Libby. She was in a mental home with hurley and gave Desmond his boat for Christ sake! Is there not going to be even the slightest mention of that again? Maybe in this timeline those guys never get on the plane. Or maybe the producers couldn’t afford one too many cameos.
Another thing I’m liking about the sideways plot line, is that it is in keeping with the “Whatever happened, happened” theory. Things are destined to repeat themselves no matter what. There have been so many coincidences during the previous 5 seasons of lost. It looks like things are on a loop, and no matter what timeline or path the characters take, it is their destiny to meet each other. In this new, alternate timeline, we still have Jack and Desmond coming together. Boone and Locke still form a bond and he even says “if this thing crashes, I’m sticking with you”. The FBI agent still gets his head bashed in. Claire and Kate have still come together though we don’t yet know if this will involve Aaron. Though some people are special and can remember certain things, hence the déjà vu, while others just follow there designed scripts. Is this what the producers had intended the whole time? Or have they just been reading the imdb Lost forums and decided to pick whatever theory they though fit the best and decided to take the show in that direction for the final season?
Righto, briefly onto the on-island stuff.
Hurley – sees Jacob and he tells them where to go.
Juliet – dies AGAIN! Though she does have a Charlotte moment where she appears to be traveling through time as she is about to die. “We should get coffee…”. One thing I’m wondering here is that if she did set the bomb off and destroy the hatch, just like Desmond did at the end of Season 2, why has she been killed and Desmond wasn’t? Will she back in the future?
Miles – Still talking to the dead which I like to see. Tells Sawyer Juliet said “It worked!”. So is she a ghost floating around now?
We then come across another set of OTHERS. Yep, there are more others out there. These guys have no time for small talk and would have killed our group unless Hurley mentioned Jacob. This set of others seem far removed from the Dharma others that lived in the barracks. Do they even know of each other? What have they been doing this whole time? The guy with glasses looked a little like John Lennon, right? This group seem like an original set of others, but then Cindy the flight attendant is there so I am not too sure about that.
Hurley’s guitar case – we find out it was carrying an ankh, which is the symbol of eternal life. Inside is a note which pretty much says save Sayid.
Well, they didn’t do too good a job of that, as they actually drown him instead. It seemed weird, but I didn’t think jack did a very good job of trying to bring Sayid back to life. I remember in Season one he spent about 10 minutes trying to bring Charlie back, and he had been dead much longer than Sayid.
So, is Sayid really dead? Is he still the same Sayid? Is he Jacob? Was the hourglass used because that was the length of time someone has to be purged before they can be reborn? Is he Jacob? If he isn’t Jacob, what about these risks? Will he turn evil like Ben? I’m looking forward to finding out.
And last but not least, the scene with “Locke”. It was awesome seeing what most people had been theorizing, that this Locke/Man in black was in fact the smoke monster. He also tells us his motives. He simply wants to go home. Where is his home? We learned last year that the smoke monster lives in the temple and that it is a security system. This is puzzling, because once the others in the temple find out the man in black is back (I’m sure there is a song in there somewhere…), they go crazy and start laying down the black ash we saw at the cabin to protect themselves. Why has it now changed? I’m guessing that without a human form, he is controllable, like we saw with Ben in season 4. Maybe the temple is it’s home, and he wants it back.
Why couldn’t the smoke monster have done this before though? And was the man in black living in the cabin the whole time? If so, how did he become trapped with Ash in the cabin? When did he break out as he’s been flying around judging people for ages now. Who broke the ash circle? And if Ben and John have been looking for the cabin this whole time, does that mean it was the man in black, and not Jacob in there every time we have visited it?
More and more questions raised and not a lot of time left to answer them in. Some other thoughts/Questions
• Have all the flashbacks/forwards thus far been alternate realities also?
• Is it 2004?
• Is Jack’s cut on his neck real?
• How different from their original timeline is this flash sideways timeline for each character?
• Will we see Desmond, Rose, Bernard, Charlie and Boone again?
• Why do we still have the 2004-on island storyline? I like seeing the what might have happened storyline, but why are we still on the island if Juliet’s effort to blow up the bomb worked?
So, this season we have two realities existing side by side, but which one will prevail. I really can’t wait to see how they wrap everything up. Only 16 more episodes to go!
So, what do you all think? Any thoughts, discussions, ideas, suggestions? Agree with anything I’ve said? Disagree? Think I’m a full of sh…?
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