But here's the list in order of viewing, i'll pick my top 3 at the bottom. If you guys have seen anything worth watching, let me know or feel free to comment on the films i've seen.

Unfortunately, i didn't see the 3D version, but i bet Kelly Brooks boobs and the giant, bitten off penis that was hurtled towards the screen would have looked GREAT in eye popping 3D. lame script, lame acting, lame effects, but the film knows it and is a lot of fun. I liked it a whole more than i thought i was going to!

Not really for me, this one. Thought it was quite dull and was lacking that "pizazz" that 'Chicago' had. Plus, for a musical, the songs were pretty crap.

A Single Man
Loved it. Looked great but not as stylised as some made out, and i thought the acting was great. This was the film that Colin Firth should have won the Oscar for, not the "oh, it's his time..." bollocks that got him it for The Kings Speech. Which leads me on nicely to....

The Kings Speech
Good acting, yep, looks good, yep, it's about the monarchy, sure, but i really didn't see what all the fuss was about here. It's great for British cinema and all that, but when will we ever see a 'Nil by Mouth' esque British film doing well and not something based around the British elite. Having said that, this poster is a hoot, isn't it? Look how cheeky Geoffrey Rush looks. Yeeeah, look at you, ya' little scally wag. I wonder what cheeky chappy ideas he's got going on there? Probably thinking why have Miramax photoshopped a picture from 20 years ago to his body, that's what...

I actually really enjoyed RED. Some good stunts. Some great chemistry between Willis, Freeman and Malkovich. A great plane ride film. Unlike...

Paranormal Activity 2
Crap. Utter crap. it wasn't as bad as the first one seeing as the annoying boyfriend was hardly in it, but Paranormal Activity has clearly become a cash cow which the industry fully intends to milk dry. Horror/Sci fi is probably my favourite genre of film, and i fully appreciate how great the first Paranormal Activity was at promoting itself and appreciate the stir it caused. But take all that away, you're left with nothing but hand held cam with two attempts at scares, and a trailer that tells you how scary it is, which, which makes you think you're scared even before you've seen the film, when the film isn't scary at all! Scariest film in years, my arse! Paranormal Activity 3 is scheduled for release later this year if you're interested.

Let Me In
Now, Let the Right One In was a horror film. One of the best films of the last 10 years if you ask me. I was worried about a remake and was reluctant to see it. Part of me thought right after seeing the original, that would i have liked it as much if it was in English? While i preferred the original a great deal, i still enjoyed this a lot and thought it did the original justice. Didn't quite capture the same feeling of unease and i think the final scene was poorly recreated, but on the whole a solid effort.

The Inside Job
If you're too lazy to read a paper, or look on the Internet for the causes of the global melt down, watch this. It was a good film. Informative and what not, but how this beat 'Exit through the Gift Shop' is beyond me. But let's be honest, like i said, this is a topic that a lot of people could have researched themselves whereas who really knew about underground street art except for underground street artists? Everyone has a bank account and knows how they were swindled, but not everyone has a Banksy.

Never Let Me Go
I'm sure it's a great book, but for me, it just didn't work as a film. Not as a story and not as a piece of Art. Not enough interesting shots to work as an Art film, and not enough character development to work as a story on screen.

Funny enough to satisfy Frost and Pegg fans, but falls way short of hitting the heights set by Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. Full review is here.

Black Swan
Loved it. Absolutely loved it. There aren't enough words to describe how much i loved Black Swan. Oh wait, yes there are. Right here! If you haven't noticed yet, i liked this film...A LOT!

True Grit
I'm not usually a fan of Westerns, but this was directed by the Coen's so i thought i would give it a go and was pleasantly surprised. I couldn't quite put my finger on what i liked so much about it, but then i couldn't put my finger on what i didn't like, either. Good acting, good directing, good script...the film looks great!...overall it was just a solid film. Well worth a watch.

Rollin With the Nines
After having worked for the director last year on a project, i had a few hours spare and decided to see his first feature. While it is obviously very low-budget, it had some very good action sequences and it was nice seeing something different to the mockey "fackin' ell guvnor'" type gangsters that were coming out left right and centre at the time.

Bonnie and Clyde
I don't remember this film being so funny the first time i watched it and i'm sure this wasn't supposed to be the case. Watch as part of a film club, but i'd recommend watching it by yourself, as it's a classic and was one of the most controversial films in it's day.

Waiting for Superman
A harsh look at the education system in the United States. Heart breaking at times but interesting watch none the less. It also made me thank my lucky stars that i wasn't born a poor boy in America. Man that would suck.

Blue Valentine
I loved it. A heartbreaking and sometimes uncomfortable portrayal of a relationship when two people fall out of love. Really great stuff. Not much of a story here, more of an insight, but really great none the less. You can read a review from the Electric Fleapit here.

The Nutty Professor
Erm...maybe it was because i........erm........you see, Eddie Murphy used to be....erm........the make up effects at the time were.......oh whatever! SCREW YOU, OK! DON'T YOU FRICKIN' JUDGE ME! IT WAS LATE, IT CAME ON AND I COULDN'T STOP WATCHING IT, OK! I JUST COULDN'T STOOOOOOOOP!!!!
So, number 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis....
1. Black Swan
2. Blue Valentine
3. True Grit
If ay of you guys have any films that you watched last month that you'd like to share with me, please do. If you think i've got the wrong opinion about any of the films i've seen, let me know that too. But please don't bother if you're going to tell me i'm wrong about Paranormal Activity, as i'll just stick my fingers in my ears and go "LALALALALALALALALALA, I AM NOT LISTNING TO YOOOOOOU"!!!!