(DC) What is your name?
(TC) Tyler Crawford.
How old are you?
I’m 10 and I’m in year 6.
What is your favourite Harry Potter film so far?
The Chamber of Secrets. I loved the end when he killed the book with that snake tooth.
So, what did you think of the film?
I thought it was 5 out of 5!
Why did you like it so much?
I liked it because it was a really adventurous film and because at some moments it was really scary!
Anything else?
I liked the bit where they told the story of the three brothers (the story explaining the existence of the Deathly Hallows). It was a good story. I don’t think it would have been that good if I had of read it but because I could actually see it, it made it a lot better. The animation was really cool!
What didn’t you like?
I didn’t think it was that funny. I laughed once or twice, but it wasn;t that funny. Other people might find it hilarious, but not me.
What was your favourite part of the film?
The part with the three brothers?
Nah, nah, nah…my best part was the snake fight in the house. Because it was scary. One minute he was fighting Harry Potter and the next he was jumping out to the screen!
Any other bits you liked?
I liked the bit when Ron smashed the necklace (a horcrux) because it was really cool. It was scary and and came out to the screen. There was nothing I didn’t like! (Pause) Oh, hang on! I didn’t like it when Dobby died as that was sad. And I didn’t like the part where Bellatrix was torturing Hermione.
Who was your favourite character?
I think my favourite character was Dobby as he was funnier than all the others and I thought he was cool because he could teleport.
What do you think will happen in part 2?
I think they are going on a quest to find the hufflepuff cup?
The what?
The hufflepuff cup. You know, the things they have to find.
The horcruxes?
No, the hufflepuff cup!
They are looking for “horcruxes”!
Well you said that they we’re looking for the hufflepuff cup!
Oh sorry, my fault then?
Are you looking forward to Part II?
Yes, very much. I think it’s going to be more adventurous and I’m looking forward to seeing how they escape the traps!
Would you recommend the film to your friends?
Probably not.
What? Why not?
Well, all my friends don’t like Harry Potter….they think it’s a bit geeky.
Really? So you wouldn’t tell them to go and see it?
Maybe. I mean, I really liked it, but I just want to fit in…like Meg in Family Guy! (said with irony) But if they liked Harry Potter I’d tell them it’s great!
Can you sum up the film in one word?
I can’t sum it up in one word can i???
Sure you can.
Alright then…supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
Any last thoughts?
The film is number 1!
But you won’t tell your mates?
Nah, I’ll tell them that it was 5 or 6!
Anything else you won’t to say?
I will say I’m proud of my big brother…..and I don’t mean you Dean, ha ha!